Hotel Information
Enjoy harbor views from the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
For your convenience, a block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront at a conference rate of $255.00 for a traditional single or double room. One night deposit required (refundable). Cancelation Policy – 72 hours prior arrival.
Check-in Time: 4:00 PM
Check-out Time: 12:00 PM
Parking: The hotel does not own or operate a self-parking garage and is not able to validate parking at the neighboring garages. Valet parking is available at $49 per vehicle, per day, per parking session. For more information view the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront parking information.
The special group room rate is available until Thursday, August 21, 2025, or until the ANA block is sold out. After this date, the prevailing rates for the hotel will apply.
To book your stay today, click here or call Reservations Baltimore Marriott Waterfront at 1.410.385.3000.
Disclaimer: ANA strongly encourages you to make hotel reservations for the Annual Meeting directly with the official host hotel, the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. Please be aware that any solicitation you receive regarding housing services from a third-party company is not endorsed by or affiliated with ANA in any way. Room reservations made on your behalf by any outside company may not be guaranteed. ANA is not responsible for any reservations made outside of the official hotel block.
If you have questions regarding the ANA room block, transportation or general hotel information, please contact Jennifer Summers, Meetings Manager at [email protected].